About the Journal

Journal title BISMA Cendekia
Initials BISMA
Abbreviation J. Bisnis Manajemen Akuntansi
Frequency Three(3) issues per year (September, January and May)
DOI Prefix 10.56473  
ISSN  2746-6396 (Online)
Editor-in-chief Supriyanto, S.P. M.Si.
Publisher PPPM Politeknik Cendana
Citation  Google Scholar | Garuda

BISMA Cendekia is an academic journal managed by the Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (PPPM) Politeteknik Cendana Medan, first published in September 2020. This journal contains research in the field of Business, Management, and Accounting. BISMA Cendekia has ISSN 2746-6396 (online media)

BISMA Cendekia provides national publication facilities for researchers, both professional and academic, in research fields related to Business, Management, and Accounting. This journal can contain various methodological approaches in identifying and solving important emerging problems and problems in the fields of Business, Management, and Accounting.
BISMA Cendekia is published three (3) times a year, namely in September, January and May using a peer-review method.


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Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): BISMA Cendekia - September 2023
Published: 2023-09-30


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